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  • Ms. Siegman

Tips on How to Become a "Worry Warrior".

Updated: Mar 27, 2020

I know this time can bring about a lot of unwelcome and uneasy emotions. A common emotion you and your kids may be experiencing during this time, is worry. What is worry? How do we cope with worry? Talking to your kids everyday about ways we can overcome our worry, developing problem solving skills, and focusing on things were are grateful for can help ease any tension and worry!

The following are videos from Counselor Keri, a wonderful colleague of mine. She outlines what exactly worry is, how your body may experience it, ways to cope with it and so much more! You can follow her YouTube channel to learn more ways to become a "Worry Warrior"! I have attached below two important "Worry Warrior" videos to help get you started!

Counselor Keri: "Welcome to Worry Warriors! What is a Worry Warrior"

Counselor Keri: "Worry Warriors: What Does Worry Feel Like in My Body?"

All content is developed and shared by Counselor Keri on her YouTube Channel. I do not own any rights. Please visit her channel

or her website: for more resources and information.

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